
[SOLVED] List documents of a user as admin

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17 May, 2023, 04:51

I am wanting to list the documents of a specific user from an admin panel. What would I need to do. I dont want to need to login as a user to see the documents they have perms to see.

To list the documents of a specific user from an admin panel without needing to log in as that user, you can follow these steps: 1. Get a list of all documents in your database. 2. Filter the documents based on the user's ID. 3. Display the filtered list of documents in the admin panel. To achieve this, you can create a cloud function using the Appwrite API. Use the `listDocuments` method to retrieve all the documents and then filter them based on the user's ID. The exact implementation will depend on your specific database structure. Here is an example of how you can use the Appwrite API in
17 May, 2023, 05:15

What's your DB structure like? How would you know what document belongs to what user?

17 May, 2023, 05:17

You can create a cloud function that get's all the documents, and separates them based on the user.

17 May, 2023, 05:34

They way I have done it is give the user perms on the document

17 May, 2023, 05:36

Should I change it to submitting an the id of the user who crated the document?

17 May, 2023, 05:45

That's what I do, yes.

17 May, 2023, 05:47

Then I would just search for the id correct?

17 May, 2023, 05:56

yes. you would list all documents, and then filter them based on id

18 May, 2023, 01:51

[SOLVED] List documents of a user as admin


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