
Are Appwrite access logs available in the Admin Console?

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Mattias Aabmets
19 Apr, 2023, 20:51

Pretty self-explanatory question. I don't know the answer, but it would be very cool if there would be a way to view and filter the access logs straight in the admin console based on some criteria, like date or user account. Like for instance, to see a list of the DB queries that a user executed on a given day, or error messages that Appwrite might have thrown.

Currently, Appwrite does not provide access logs in the Admin Console. However, you can view user activity logs in the user's details under the Activity tab. This shows events triggered by the user, including the IP, date, and time. There is no direct solution for viewing and filtering access logs in the admin console based on criteria like date or user account.
19 Apr, 2023, 23:25

Don't think there's anything other than the docker logs right now. But something I've used before is the Activity tab in a user's details.

Auth -> [user] -> Activity tab.

It shows what events were triggered by that user, from which IP, and the date and time


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