
[Console UI] New Console Issue when switching between collections with a lot of attribtes.

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14 Apr, 2023, 08:04

Attributes are unreadable in this format.

There is a new issue with the console UI when switching between collections with a lot of attributes. Users are finding it difficult to read the attributes in the current format. The design team has been notified and they are considering options such as limiting column names, adding horizontal scrolling, and allowing resizable columns. One possible solution mentioned is to limit the number of columns displayed by default. At the moment, no solution has been implemented.
14 Apr, 2023, 08:41

You can reduce the number of columns displayed

14 Apr, 2023, 08:51

I know, but that is not the point

Mosh Ontong
14 Apr, 2023, 14:22

Up for this, in addition the table column should be resizable.

14 Apr, 2023, 14:49

I think would be hard to resize that amount of columns, one solution would be to limit the number of columns displayed by default

14 Apr, 2023, 14:56

How about scrolling trough them ? Horizontally ? And secondly having a minimum column width if resizable is not viable?

Mosh Ontong
14 Apr, 2023, 15:26

We should all add these with limit the column name, can horizontally scrolling and the columns have capability of resize. All of these are possible.

14 Apr, 2023, 16:00

Hi - thank you for the feedback <:appwritecheck:851487062112731146> Looping in our design team to get more info


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