
Bad gatewey after upgrading in my appwrite hosted in digitalocean

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Mosh Ontong
12 Apr, 2023, 12:59

After we paste this code

docker run -it --rm \
    --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    --volume "$(pwd)"/appwrite:/usr/src/code/appwrite:rw \
    --entrypoint="install" \

There are question shoild be fill up:

  1. Choose your server HTTP port: (default:80) - I press enter
  2. Choose your servers HTTPs port (default 445: I press enter
  3. Choose a secret api key:** I enter a new api key**
  4. Enter your appwrite hostname('localhost)': I entered default but the api of my appwrite is ""
  5. Enter a DNS a record hostname ..... ? I entered
User encountered a "Bad gateway" error after upgrading their appwrite hosted in DigitalOcean. They deleted the app and ran the upgrade command to fix the issue but encountered more errors. They realized that they ran the upgrade command in the wrong folder and there was a nested appwrite folder. They were instructed to check if the .env file has the same variables as the backup and were advised against putting a new secret key. They also encountered an error when running the migrate command and were provided the correct steps to follow in the appwrite documentation. They were instructed to fill in the required details and provided a code snippet to paste. The user provided
Mosh Ontong
12 Apr, 2023, 13:05

And after I fill up those questions this is the result

12 Apr, 2023, 13:20

Localhost is correct if you don't have a domain yet.

12 Apr, 2023, 13:21

Did you run the migrate command?

Mosh Ontong
12 Apr, 2023, 13:21

Ohh I see i did not see the next step I will try it

Mosh Ontong
12 Apr, 2023, 13:49

sir @Steven I got some error on migrate command

12 Apr, 2023, 13:52

Wait you shouldn't have put a new secret key

Mosh Ontong
12 Apr, 2023, 13:52

ohh can I revert? what is the default secret key?

12 Apr, 2023, 13:53

In your appwrite folder, there should be a .env and a backup one. Make sure the .env has the same openssl and mariadb variables as the backup

Mosh Ontong
12 Apr, 2023, 13:53
Mosh Ontong
12 Apr, 2023, 13:53

this is the current files in my appwrite folder

12 Apr, 2023, 13:54

This isn't shouldn't have a nested appwrite folder...

12 Apr, 2023, 13:54

Please run ls -la

Mosh Ontong
12 Apr, 2023, 13:54
12 Apr, 2023, 13:58

Looks like you might have run the upgrade command in the wrong folder

Mosh Ontong
12 Apr, 2023, 13:59

actually my bad I think it is safe to delete it right?

Mosh Ontong
12 Apr, 2023, 14:08

I delete it by the way and I run the upgrade cmd and yeah I fix it


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