
[SOLVED] Unable to update data to null

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  • Databases
Said H
28 Feb, 2023, 14:18

Hello, I have a collection with optional attribute. It has a data previously, but when i use console to remove the data and update, it gives me an error that the data is invalid. Is this intended that once the data is present, we cannot update it back to empty?

Title: [SOLVED] Unable to update data to null; Messages: - User reports an issue with updating data to null. - User is informed that using the SDK can solve the problem. - User confirms that using the SDK works. - User mentions that the console is not handling null values properly. - User asks if it is intended that data cannot be updated back to empty once it is present. Solution: - Use the SDK to update the data to null instead of the console.
28 Feb, 2023, 17:38

Console is a bit wonky with nulls. Are you able to use an SDK and set it to null?

Said H
28 Feb, 2023, 22:55

ok, using SDK works 🙂

Said H
28 Feb, 2023, 22:55

thanks for letting me know

28 Feb, 2023, 22:55

[SOLVED] Unable to update data to null


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