Hello There! First off: i have followed every step of https://appwrite.io/blog/post/cors-error
The mobile Flutter app works just fine, and so does it when i test it locally. But when trying to use the actual DOmain, i get CORS errors when requesting data from Appwrite.
I have set the right prioject id, i have used the right hostname, even tried the wildcard as hostname, yet the requests keep getting blocked. For some rteason, the "Access Control Allow origin" is still set at localhost? im at my wits end and i got no clue what im doing wrong.

WHen building the App via flutter build web --release and hosting locally via serve -s, i added the localhost domain. it works via localhost and on my network via the IP

Wait no i lied, it doesnt work again. Localhost does work, but not via the network...

Localhost works, i get all the appwrite data im requesting. as soon as i switch to it ceases to work and i get a COrS error.

its not working even with a wildcard

I believe you're supposed to create a Mobile Platform with the package name?
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