I have a collection relation, can we get the collection via query for a single request and pick or select only a few column, for now i am using double fetch try { const data = await databasePublic.listDocuments( Deno.env.get("HONO_SINGLE_DATABASE_ID") as string, Deno.env.get("HONO_SINGLE_COLLECTION_MEMBERS_ID") as string, [Query.select(["name", "nameKanji", "$id", ])] // i wish we can get the relation via this
if(data) {
const url = await databasePublic.listDocuments(
Deno.env.get("HONO_SINGLE_DATABASE_ID") as string,
Deno.env.get("HONO_SINGLE_COLLECTION_GALLERY_ID") as string,
Query.equal("memberId",data.documents[0]["$id"] )
return c.json(url);
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