
Adding documentId to relationship attribute

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  • Databases
  • Web
28 Jan, 2025, 18:26

I am creating a sports app. we have leagues that we have a league_teams attribute that is a relastionship with our league_teams collection. I used this code const newTeam = await databases.updateDocument( process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_APPWRITE_DATABASE!, process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_APPWRITE_COLLECTION_LEAGUES!, leagueId, { leagueTeams: [ { $id: ID.unique(), name: teamName, players: players, }, ], } );

did add the new team to the relationship, but it removed all of the other teams that had relastionships with the collection.

Is there a way to add and remove 1 team at a time to the relationship in one step, or will I need to create the team in the teams colection and then add it to the relationship attribute?

Problem: Adding a team to a relationship attribute removes all other teams in the collection. Solution: To add and remove one team at a time to the relationship without affecting the other teams, create the team in the teams collection first and then add it to the relationship attribute.

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