
Usage of Async storage after auth success in React Native

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  • React Native
  • Auth
17 Jan, 2025, 20:58

I have been seeing multiple implementations of auth across tools like Clerk, Supabase and it seemed like they are using async storage or secure storage as some form of storage mechanism to store some jwt token or something (not super fluent with auth stuff).

I see a function call named account.createSession in Appwrite docs. Is this function responsible to storing some token as well locally on device?

Asking since I want to be super sure the auth works well and is handled well by Appwrite itself and there's left for me to be done beyond what Appwrite functions handle. Thanks!

Developers are exploring the usage of Async storage for storing tokens after successful authentication in React Native. The function 'account.createSession' in Appwrite docs might handle storing tokens locally. It's important to verify if Appwrite handles authentication thoroughly before implementing additional functionalities.

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