Chidera Humphrey
I'm trying to filter documents in my database based on whether a user's email is in the shared_with
array field.
Here's the error I am getting: Uncaught TypeError: file2.role.includes is not a function
And here's my code:
export const fetchMetadata = async (userId: string) => {
try {
// query database for files owned by the user
const ownedFilesMetadata = await database.listDocuments(import.meta.env.VITE_DATABASE_ID, import.meta.env.VITE_FILE_METADATA_COLLECTION_ID, [Query.equal("ownerId", userId)]);
// query database for files shared with the user
const sharedFilesMetadata = await database.listDocuments(import.meta.env.VITE_DATABASE_ID, import.meta.env.VITE_FILE_METADATA_COLLECTION_ID, ["shared_with", userId)]);
return {
ownedFilesMetadata: ownedFilesMetadata.documents,
sharedFilesMetadata: sharedFilesMetadata.documents
} catch (error) {
return {
ownFilesMetadata: [],
sharedFilesMetadata: [],
What do you think I'm doing wrong?
Issue: Getting a `Uncaught TypeError: file2.role.includes is not a function` error when filtering documents based on whether a user's email is in a specific array field.
Solution: The error might be due to trying to use the `includes()` method on a non-array field. Make sure `file2.role` is an array before calling `includes()` on it. Recommended threads
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