help! I've been stuck on this for days, I'm a newbie. C:\Users\>curl -X POST https://cloud.appwrite.
- 0
- Functions
- Cloud
help! I've been stuck on this for days, I'm a newbie. C:\Userscurl -X POST ^ More? -H "Content-Type: application/json" ^ More? -H "X-Appwrite-Project: 1" ^ More? -d "{key1: value1, key2: value2}" {"$id":"1","$createdAt":"2025-01-04T17:44:14.303+00:00","$updatedAt":"2025-01-04T17:44:14.303+00:00","$permissions":[],"functionId":"1","trigger":"http","status":"completed","requestMethod":"POST","requestPath":"","requestHeaders":[],"responseStatusCode":404,"responseBody":"Not Found","responseHeaders":[{"name":"content-type","value":"textplain; charset=utf-8"},{"name":"content-length","value":"9"},{"name":"date","value":"Sat, 04 Jan 2025 17:44:14 GMT"},{"name":"connection","value":"keep-alive"},{"name":"keep-alive","value":"timeout=5"}],"logs":"","errors":"","duration":0.0074760913848877,"scheduledAt":null} (I've attempted to mask the Id's) I keep getting a 404, BUT --- the function DOES exist (I used a stripe template subscription), followed the directions, have set it up a few times --------------------- what could it be / or what is the issue? no matter where I call the project, function from - it fails with this 404(also, although bad practice, I opened up all the roles in case its permissioning) #404
Are you sure you are using the correct function id and project id?
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