
Bug Report: C# Upload from .net Core 8 - webapi error when file is too big.

  • 0
  • Storage
  • Cloud
30 Sep, 2024, 14:50

Hi, I'm creating a webapi in .net Core 8 and calling services from AppWrite cloud. I want to expose Upload and Download through the webapi and not directly from the client.

When I try to upload a file that is more larger than 5MB I receive this error. The error returned is 'The requested route was not found, Please refer to the API docs and try again'

In debug I read the track: in Appwrite.Client.d311.MoveNext() in Appwrite.Client.d321.MoveNext() in liveaccounts.api.Repositories.images.AppWriteStorageRepository.d__4.MoveNext() in C:.NET Applications\liveAccounts 2025\liveaccounts.2025.api\Repositories\images\AppWriteStorageRepository.cs: riga 64

It seems apply to Chunks. Need to manage chunks? (in documentation says it's not necessary to do it in sdk.)

Also, when I try to check if file exists, I needed to include the call in a try/catch because thwrow an error if the file doesn't exists, This is not the expected behaviour.


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