
Need help for include deploying my packages to the cloud function

  • 0
  • Self Hosted
  • Functions
Mosh Ontong
28 Sep, 2024, 02:51

First think you need to know this is my folder structure:

├── ems_package
├── functions
│   ├── ems_function
│   └── other_function
└── appwrite.json

Now as you can see I have ems_package which is a npm package. This is a private package, and I cannot deploy it to the npm since the private npm need pro account. My question is that how can I maybe when deploying my function it will include to bundle my ems_package

- Developer has a folder structure with a private npm package that cannot be deployed to the npm registry. - They want to include the private npm package when deploying their cloud function. - Include the private package in the `functions` folder alongside the cloud functions to bundle it during deployment.

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