
1.6 Functions -- Missing Param documentId?

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  • Functions
20 Sep, 2024, 02:31

So I upgraded my app to 1.6, and it's erroring about "Param documentId is required", but it's just running a createDocument and everything is correct --

Response total: 1
Provider found with $id: 66ecb5c8003b8d67
Creating OAuth request with id: 01J86M33ZHFKD6HDBS3WB72XKR and state: eyJyZWRpcmVjdF91cmkiOiJodHRwczovL29hdXRobWFuYWdlci5zb2NpYWxhaXplLmNvbS9jYWxsYmFjayIsIm9hdXRoUmVxdWVzdElkIjoiMDFKODZNMzNaSEZLRDZIREJTM1dCNzJYS1IiLCJkYXRhYmFzZUlkIjoiZGV2IiwiaXNEZXYiOnRydWUsInVzZXJJZCI6IjAxSjZRQlc2TUsxRlZCR1NNMk1aN1c1QllBIiwidGVhbUlkIjoiMDFKNlFCVzZNSzFGVkJHU00yTVo3VzVCWUEifQ
Creating OAuth request with id: 01J86M33ZHFKD6HDBS3WB72XKR

and then in the error

Error in OAuth process: Param "documentId" is not optional.

-- I'm just running this

this.log(`Creating OAuth request with id: ${id}`);
      await this.databases.createDocument(
          providerId: oauthProvider.$id,
          databaseId: databaseId,
          status: "pending",
          state: state,

so I'm confused. The id is clearly defined, the OAUTH_REQUESTS_COLL_ID is a constant, not an env variable, and the databaseId is defined, I logged it earlier in the function, but this is the last place it makes it to.

Updated node-appwrite to ^14.1.0

Developers upgraded their app to version 1.6 and encountered an error stating "Param documentId is required" while calling `createDocument` in Node.js using Appwrite. The issue was resolved by clearing the cache and updating the `node-appwrite` package to version `^14.1.0`.

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