
Delayed function does not retain the function's body

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  • Functions
  • Flutter
  • Cloud
Samuel Kings
5 Sep, 2024, 22:34

I have a function executed like this

Map<String, dynamic> data = {
        "followerId": state.user!.$id,
        "followerName": state.profile!.name,
        "followerUserName": state.profile!.username,
        "followeeId": otherUserId
String body = jsonEncode(data);

await functions.createExecution(
        functionId: appwriteConsts.functions.onFollowUser,
        body: body,
        xasync: true,
        scheduledAt: scheduleFor.toUtc().toIso8601String(),

Upon execution, checking my Appwrite Cloud console, I see that the body is not there? Is this a bug, an unimplemented feature or there's something I'm not doing well?

Developers are discussing an issue where the delayed function is not retaining its body. The bug has been reproduced, and a fix is being worked on to ensure this doesn't happen again. The issue seems to be with scheduling the execution document correctly. More investigation is ongoing.
Samuel Kings
5 Sep, 2024, 22:56

Anyone here?

Samuel Kings
5 Sep, 2024, 22:58

I have the same result when I try to execute the same function from the console

6 Sep, 2024, 11:19

looking through the source, there is a good possibility that the body is not sent. let me confirm this from my side.

Samuel Kings
6 Sep, 2024, 11:20

Why does that happen?

6 Sep, 2024, 11:20

I am yet to confirm this, but if it indeed isn't sending the body, it was mostly a mistake.

Samuel Kings
6 Sep, 2024, 11:21

Alright. I'll be awaiting the result of your confirmation

6 Sep, 2024, 12:23

@Meldiron I don't think we are setting the body to scheduled executions. I did a print_r($schedule) in the ScheduleExecutions, the data is missing. Pretty sure we should be sending the body to the scheduler.

6 Sep, 2024, 12:25

It should be available in the schedules collection document iirc.

6 Sep, 2024, 13:05

Execution document is not supposed to have the body, and schedule document yes. Checking the logic here: All seems as intended. Ill try to quickly reproduce the bug now

6 Sep, 2024, 13:08

yupp, data is saved successfully. probably just not sent to the scheduler. or is this wrong?


the doc doesn't seem to contain the data object at all. I couldn't see atleast.

6 Sep, 2024, 13:09

@Meldiron we probably just need below in $getSchedule?

'data' => $schedule->getAttribute('data'),
6 Sep, 2024, 13:11

Sounds correct. Ill reach out to Christy to see why it was not there in the first place, maybe it was intentional for other type of schedules

6 Sep, 2024, 13:12

possibly yep. we could do a check though. but lets wait for christy

6 Sep, 2024, 13:12

@Samuel Kings good news, I managed to reproduce it and @darShan 's bug suspicison seems very correct. Ill work on a fix, and also ensure the behaviour with a newly added test to make sure this never happens again.

6 Sep, 2024, 13:13

also, the keys wouldn't make sense if the schedule is after 15 mins no?

6 Sep, 2024, 13:14

You mean dynamic API keys? Those are only generated on function's worker, so right before execution (just when scheduledAt hits)

6 Sep, 2024, 13:15
  1. nope, i issued a scheduled function to execute after 2 hours, i see - x-appwrite-key in the recd. scheduled doc.
  2. also jwt
6 Sep, 2024, 13:16

let me ping you with more details. this discussion is just blocking the thread.

Samuel Kings
6 Sep, 2024, 13:29

Alright. Glad to hear this ☺️ Thanks guys

Samuel Kings
6 Sep, 2024, 16:04

Please when can we expect a fix?

6 Sep, 2024, 16:05

Friday releases are always scarry, so you can expect a fix next week. Ill keep this at the top of my todo list, to make sure it's finished asap, and Ill propose deployment the same day

Samuel Kings
6 Sep, 2024, 16:09

Alright then. Thanks

Samuel Kings
12 Sep, 2024, 08:43

Hi @Meldiron Please what is the status of this?

12 Sep, 2024, 09:00

A PR has been created and validated, but since the team is away rn, you can expect the fix landing around early next week, possibly sooner too.


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