export async function updateAvatar({ file, userId }) {
try {
if (!file || !userId) {
throw new Error("File and userId are required");
// Upload the avatar file
const [avatarUrl] = await Promise.all([uploadFileUsingAppwrite(file.uri)]);
// Update the user's profile with the new avatar URL
const updatedAvatar = await databases.updateDocument(appwriteConfig.databaseId, appwriteConfig.userCollectionId, userId, {
avatar: avatarUrl,
return updatedAvatar;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error updating avatar:", error.message || error);
throw new Error(error.message || "Failed to update avatar");
Error occurred while attempting to update avatar using ImagePicker instead of DocumentPicker in React Native. The network request failed when fetching file URI. Switching back to DocumentPicker allows successful uploads.
A possible solution can be to modify the code to handle imagepicker file uri with the same method as documentpicker. c0rleyyy
export async function uploadFileUsingAppwrite(fileUri) {
if (!fileUri) {
throw new Error("File URI is invalid or null");
try {
const file = await fetch(fileUri);
const blob = await file.blob();
const fileName = fileUri.split("/").pop();
const mimeType = blob.type || "application/octet-stream";
const response = await storage.createFile(
appwriteConfig.databaseId, // Bucket ID
fileName, // File ID or unique name
blob, // File blob
mimeType // MIME type
console.log("RESPONSE: ", response)
return response;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error uploading file:", error.message || error);
throw new Error(error.message || "Failed to upload file");
This happened when we try to use ImagePicker instead of DocumentPicker in React Native. Uploading works fine with DocumentPicker.
Back then, the upload code was only this simple, but doesn't work with imagepicker file uri fetching
// Upload File
export async function uploadFile(file, type) {
if (!file) return;
const { mimeType, ...rest } = file;
const asset = { type: mimeType, ...rest };
try {
const uploadedFile = await storage.createFile(
const fileUrl = await getFilePreview(uploadedFile.$id, type);
return fileUrl;
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(error);
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