
Function Failing to Deploy or Build

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30 Jul, 2024, 22:46

I have a python-ml-3.11 function and it's failing to deploy, build, etc. it's just broked. Container logs are fine, function logs are fine, it SAYS It built, but Appwrite is determined to tell me it's still building.

Function `python-ml-3.11` is failing to deploy or build. Error message shows an issue with Executor.php at line 97. Appwrite not recognizing the build completion. Check logs and ensure correctness of the paths.
30 Jul, 2024, 22:47
Docker Error: 
#0 /usr/src/code/src/Appwrite/Platform/Workers/Builds.php(407): Executor\Executor->createRuntime('66a88764b1aab86...', '664d429a000824f...', '/storage/functi...', 'openruntimes/py...', 'v3', true, 'src/', '/storage/builds...', Array, 'tar -zxf /tmp/c...')
#1 [internal function]: Appwrite\Platform\Workers\Builds->Appwrite\Platform\Workers\{closure}()
#2 {main}

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