
Manual deployment failed

  • 0
  • Self Hosted
  • Functions
29 Jun, 2024, 13:05

I'm trying to manual deployment on my locally self-hosted but when I'm trying to deploy function maualy it through an error(build log):

File Not Found
#0 /usr/src/code/src/Appwrite/Platform/Workers/Builds.php(407): Executor\Executor->createRuntime('60810519c59fd93...', '66cgb88002df2f4...', '/storage/functi...', 'openruntimes/py...', 'v3', true, 'src/', '/storage/builds...', Array, 'tar -zxf /tmp/c...')
#1 [internal function]: Appwrite\Platform\Workers\Builds->Appwrite\Platform\Workers\{closure}()
#2 {main}

openruntimes-executor (docker log [exactly when this error occurs]):

2024-06-29 18:28:29 Stats interval started.
2024-06-29 18:28:29 Executor is ready.
2024-06-29 18:28:52 [Error] Type: Exception
2024-06-29 18:28:52 [Error] Message: File Not Found
2024-06-29 18:28:52 [Error] File: /usr/local/app/http.php
2024-06-29 18:28:52 [Error] Line: 613
2024-06-29 18:28:56 [Error] Type: Exception
2024-06-29 18:28:56 [Error] Message: Runtime not ready. Container not found.
2024-06-29 18:28:56 [Error] File: /usr/local/app/http.php
2024-06-29 18:28:56 [Error] Line: 328
Manual deployment failing due to a migration issue from Appwrite cloud to local self-hosted instance. To fix it, delete the function and recreate it locally, as the migration likely did not copy over the function's builds. This error can be resolved by deleting all images and containers of Appwrite, then reinstalling Appwrite Docker before migrating the database.
29 Jun, 2024, 13:07

this started after i have done migrations from apwrite cloud to locally

29 Jun, 2024, 13:10

this error was also coming when i installed first time then i delete all images and containers of appwritet and re installed appwrite docker and it started manual deploying perfectly and then i migrate the database from cloud this error started again... yea i have done docker composer down and up

29 Jun, 2024, 13:30

Delete the function and recreate it locally. Migration did probably not copy the functions builds over


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