
Ratelimit very generous

  • 0
  • Self Hosted
28 Jun, 2024, 09:05

I have _APP_OPTIONS_ABUSE=enabled but still I can call the same entpoint 20k times in a 1 or 2 minutes and only get blocked about max 2k times. Is there some configuration missing?

Developers noticed that the ratelimit is not working as expected for the createDocument endpoint when tested on both self-hosted and cloud platforms. Despite having _APP_OPTIONS_ABUSE=enabled, they were able to call the same endpoint up to 20k times in 1-2 minutes without being blocked the full 20k times. They are looking for a solution or if there might be a missing configuration causing this issue.
28 Jun, 2024, 09:06

@Joshi Can say what endpoints where tested and what where the results

28 Jun, 2024, 09:13

In the docs it is stated that the createDocument endpoint has a rate limite

28 Jun, 2024, 09:13
28 Jun, 2024, 09:14

But it does not work. Tested on selfhosted and cloud


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