
Login after password recovery

  • 0
  • Auth
  • Web
  • Cloud
30 May, 2024, 04:59

Hey all, I cannot seem to find any documentation or API methods that will allow me to login a user after a successful password recovery flow?

  1. User inserts email
  2. Transactional email sends reset link with secret and userId
  3. User clicks on link and then enters a new password
  4. Backend responds with an object

Currently: 5. User redirected to login screen and needs to enter email/password

Ideally: 5. User is authenticated and access app without additional flows.

Is this possible? I tried creating a new session with the secret provided after a successful updateRecovery method, but it does not allow it.

Developers are looking for a way to automatically authenticate users after a successful password recovery flow instead of having them enter their credentals again. The current method involves redirecting users to the login screen, but devs want to skip this step. The solution may involve trying to create a new session with the secret provided after a successful updateRecovery method.

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