
Realtime Connection in Depth

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  • Realtime
Picky Team
16 May, 2024, 13:46

Hey we have a problem with the realtime/websocket connections with our users connections… We using your apple sdk for client side along with the server less functions we subscribe/ listen to collection for example and when the user have poor connection and the connection is lost timeout getaway we want to know it and tell the user the necessary information, we also saw the sdk as a delegate for websocket onerror, onopen, onclose, functions it’s possible to achieve what we want and if he does we need to download locally the sdk to be able to solve this ? Thanks, Picky Team.

Developers are having issues with realtime/websocket connections in their app. They are using the Apple SDK for the client side. They need to know when a user's connection is lost to provide necessary information. The SDK includes functions for websocket onerror, onopen, onclose, which might help achieve their goal. They should consider downloading the SDK locally for a potential solution.

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