
Error to migrate the cache collection

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13 May, 2024, 19:43

After upgrading the cache, I get the following error: Migrating Collection cache: 100 / 1327

Fatal error: Uncaught Utopia\Database\Exception\Query: Invalid query: Invalid cu rsor: UID must contain at most 36 chars. Valid chars are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and unde rscore. Can't start with a leading underscore in /usr/src/code/vendor/utopia-php /database/src/Database/Database.php:4694 Stack trace: #0 /usr/src/code/src/Appwrite/Migration/Migration.php(222): Utopia\Database\Data base->find(Object(Utopia\Database\Document), Array) #1 /usr/src/code/src/Appwrite/Migration/Migration.php(172): Appwrite\Migration\M igration->documentsIterator('cache') #2 [internal function]: Appwrite\Migration\Migration->Appwrite\Migrationclosur e}(Array, Array) #3 {main} thrown in /usr/src/code/vendor/utopia-php/database/src/Database/Database.php o n line 4694

Also, I got an error on my accont: user_more_factors_required After trying to login again. I ran migration and my instance is on 1.5.5

Developers encounter fatal error while migrating cache due to an invalid query with the cursor UID. Error specifically points to the invalid characters in the UID. Additionally, they are experiencing an issue with user_more_factors_required on their account after attempting to log in. They mention running migrations and are on version 1.5.5.

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