
Issue with "onDelete": "setNull"

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  • Self Hosted
  • Databases
26 Apr, 2024, 11:47

I'm using Appwrite locally on version 1.4.13

I have two related collections: user_profile and climb . A user_profile can have many climbs, and a climb can have one user_profile.

When deleting a user_profile I want to do a setNull on the related climbs.

But when doing so, I get an Appwrite "Server Error"

My appwrite.json has this:

On the user_profile:

                    "key": "climb",
                    "type": "relationship",
                    "status": "available",
                    "error": "",
                    "required": false,
                    "array": false,
                    "relatedCollection": "65dcb2225a080e10109f",
                    "relationType": "oneToMany",
                    "twoWay": true,
                    "twoWayKey": "setter",
                    "onDelete": "setNull",
                    "side": "parent"

On the climb:

                    "key": "setter",
                    "type": "relationship",
                    "status": "available",
                    "error": "",
                    "required": false,
                    "array": false,
                    "relatedCollection": "65dcb0b8eb253f1b0df9",
                    "relationType": "oneToMany",
                    "twoWay": true,
                    "twoWayKey": "climb",
                    "onDelete": "setNull",
                    "side": "child"

I can work around this by manually setting the climb.setter to null, but this seems to be functionality the "onDelete": "setNull" should do.

If I don't manually set the climb.setter to null, I can't delete the user_profile and get the "Server Error".

Please advise how I can update my JSON to get the required functionality, or confirm if this is a bug?

Developers want `onDelete: "setNull"` to work when deleting a `user_profile` to also nullify related `climb` entries, but it's causing a server error. Manually setting `climb.setter` to `null` resolves this. Confirm if it's a bug or how to update JSON for proper functionality.

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