
Need to get the document list data from listDocuments

  • 0
  • Databases
  • Flutter
Vanshaj Kataria
19 Apr, 2024, 15:35

Need Help! I am writing the code below

Client client = FFAppState().appwriteClient;
Databases dbInstance = Databases(client);
DocumentList homesList = await dbInstance.listDocuments(
  databaseId: FFAppConstants.dbInstance,
  collectionId: FFAppConstants.homesCollection,
print('homesList => ${homesList.documents}');
return homesList.documents;

I am just getting the Instance not data, when I print it.

Developers are having trouble getting document list data using `listDocuments` method. The code just returns the instance not the data when printed. Solution: Make sure to use the `data` property of the `DocumentList` object to access the actual documents. Update the code like this: ``` Client client = FFAppState().appwriteClient; Databases dbInstance = Databases(client); DocumentList homesList = await dbInstance.listDocuments( databaseId: FFAppConstants.dbInstance, collectionId: FFAppConstants.homesCollection, ); print('homesList => ${}'); // Use data
Vanshaj Kataria
19 Apr, 2024, 15:59

@darShan need help


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