
send POST request to functions

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  • Functions
Alex Bourg
16 Apr, 2024, 20:16

Hi, when I send a request using js to my function, the request method changes from POST to OPTIONS. It works as POST on postman, or python script, but not when I use js.. anyone seen this before?

fetch(apiUrl, {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: myHeaders,
    body: JSON.stringify(data),
    redirect: "follow"
    // body: JSON.stringify({
    //     data: JSON.stringify(data), // Data needs to be a string inside the outer JSON payload
    //     async: false
    // })

I tried the 2 approaches above..

When sending a POST request from JS to a function, the request method changes to OPTIONS due to browsers making a preflight CORS check. This behavior is expected. You can adjust your server to handle OPTIONS requests or use a proxy to forward the requests.
16 Apr, 2024, 20:17

Are you making this request from a web app? If so, it's expected. Browsers make an OPTIONS call first to check for CORS


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