
What is the difference between sdk-for-apple and sdk-for-swift

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  • Apple
1 Apr, 2024, 20:11

I've currently got the sdk-for-apple package installed in my XCode app, but today I found there is also an sdk-for-swift repository.

The sdk-for-apple says: [READ-ONLY] Official Appwrite SDK for Apple Devices 🍎 release: 5.0.0 This SDK is compatible with Appwrite server version 1.5.x. For older versions, please check previous releases.

The sdk-for-swift says: [READ-ONLY] Official Appwrite Swift SDK πŸ¦…πŸŽ release: 5.0.1 This SDK is compatible with Appwrite server version 1.5.x. For older versions, please check previous releases. This is the Swift SDK for integrating with Appwrite from your Swift server-side code. If you're looking for the Apple SDK you should check appwrite/sdk-for-apple

I don't really understand what "This is the Swift SDK for integrating with Appwrite from your Swift server-side code" means. If the sdk-for-apple is the one intended to be used in an xcode project, what is the sdk-for swift intended for?
Is it something I can add to my self-hosted instance so that I can write/run functions using Swift instead of being limited to the 4 default languages (Node.js, PHP, Ruby and Python)?

I'm sure that for someone who knows the answer, the difference is obvious and I sound stupid - but please take a minute to enlighten me anyways.

Also - how often do the SDK's get updated? Is there a set schedule?

The sdk-for-apple is for client-side usage in XCode projects, while the sdk-for-swift is for server-side integration in Swift code. The server-side sdk allows for broader access and manipulation of data. The swift sdk can be used to write and run functions in Swift on a self-hosted instance. SDK updates may vary and there isn't a set schedule for them.
1 Apr, 2024, 20:16

The apple sdk is a client side sdk, the client side sdk is limited in what it can do. Where as the server side (swift) sdk is very broad, giving you access to users, and the ability to alter your db/collection/attributes. Take a look here.

1 Apr, 2024, 20:32

But are they both intended to be imported as packages for an XCode project? Where would/could I use the sdk-for-swift server code?


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