
Move user logged in between sites.

  • 0
  • Self Hosted
  • Web
  • Cloud
16 Mar, 2024, 13:06

Hey !

I got a user logged-in in SITE_1, i save in a session the session.secret. I wish for some cases, to send the logged user to SITE_2 and keep him logged in.

Does it makes sense to redirect him, generating JWT token, that SITE_2 should get, and validate? The problem now is that the JWT token will expire in 15 minutes, so i need to get the session.secret again to keep the user logged in. How can i achieve this ?

Both SITE_1 and SITE_2 are using the same projectId. and appwrite endpoint I currently test on Self hosted, but just because the cloud is still not V 1.5. i use node.js (Remix)


Move a logged-in user between sites. Developers need to redirect the user with a JWT token to SITE_2 and validate it. To keep the userlogged in, refresh the **session.secret** for SITE_2 as needed. Both sites should use the same projectId and appwrite endpoint.

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