
Not able to add commands option to cloud

  • 1
  • Functions
  • Cloud
Nimit Savant
9 Mar, 2024, 09:36

Hey there team,

I had an older function from 1.3.x something. Now I wanted to migrate that function to 1.4.3. The only different between the appwrite.json was that it had the new commands option which helps me install the deps. I didn't knew this change was there and I uplaoded my function manually without the commands option. Now when I added pushed the commands option again it is not being reflected in the settings, I've to manually go and add the npm install in the commands option in the cli. All the other properties in the appwrite.json are editable but this isn't.

To replicate this, you can manually upload a function without the commands option and then try to add the option in the next build.

Issue: Unable to add commands option to cloud after manually uploading a function without it. Solution: Manually add the 'npm install' to the commands option in the CLI settings to ensure it is reflected properly.

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