
Magic URL expiration time

  • 1
  • Android
  • Accounts
29 Feb, 2024, 15:18

Hi there, we're using appwrite in our android app with a magic-url via email (QR or deeplink in mail). Everything works great and we are happy :D. Only thing is that, in order to publish our app in the playstore, we need to provide login instructions. We only have magic-url support a.t.m. which is only valid for 1 hour.

the play console is stating the following

If your login credentials are not numeric or alphanumeric, for example a QR code or barcode, provide a static URL to access these.

If your app typically requires 2-Step Verification, or a one-time password, provide reusable login credentials that don't expire

I want to give them a magic-url for a specific review account that is valid forever, don't know if this is possible. Or that other people have other ideas? Google can't access any email

Developers are using appwrite in their android app and implementing a magic URL via email for login. The only issue is that the magic URLs expire after 1 hour, but they need a URL that is valid forever to comply with Google Play Store requirements. They are looking for a solution or alternative ideas to provide a static login URL for review purposes.

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