
Error on createVerification()

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  • Accounts
  • Web
  • Users
25 Feb, 2024, 12:28

Hi, I have a web app using Appwrite. I implemented the basic registration some time ago and it worked. User fills in email and password, sdk creates user with account.create(). Then sends the verification mail via account.createVerification(). I'm sure I didn't changed anything regarding that and already looked through and tried stuff for hours but I can't get rid a an exception thrown by createVerification: AppwriteException: User (role: guests) missing scope (account) The user creation works, but the verification not and therefor no email is being send. I hope someone can help.

Issue: Error thrown by createVerification() method in Appwrite SDK despite successful user creation. Solution: The error "User (role: guests) missing scope (account)" indicates a missing 'account' scope for users with the 'guests' role. To resolve this issue, ensure that the role assigned to users during creation has the necessary 'account' scope. This will allow the verification email to be sent successfully.

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