
are functions called via URL have a timeout of 30 seconds?

  • 0
  • Self Hosted
  • Functions
19 Feb, 2024, 07:52

self host v1.4.13. my payment gateway is sending a webhook payment response to my function via a POST URL only. My function then takes the response and updates the db against the order id. After getting complaints, I found that the execution logs show failed as time out after 30 seconds.

I thought only async functions using client sdks have timeout limit of 30 seconds but the time out is also happening when called via url (although random).

function code is attached

Developers are experiencing timeouts when functions are called via URL, even though they thought the 30-second limit only applied to async functions using client SDKs. This issue is occurring randomly. The function code is attached. Solution: One possible solution could be to optimize the function code to ensure it executes within the 30-second time limit when called via URL. This may involve improving the efficiency of the code or considering ways to handle timeouts more gracefully.

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