
migrate from locally running instance to anther?

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5 Feb, 2024, 14:49

hi, is there a way to migrate locally running instance to a remote vm?

There are a few options to migrate a locally running instance to a remote VM: 1. Backup Method: You can use the backup method by following the instructions provided in this YouTube video: [link]. This method involves backing up the local instance and then importing it into the remote VM. 2. Migrations API: If the local instance is accessible through the internet, you can use the migrations API to migrate it to the remote VM. This method allows you to transfer the entire instance, including the data. 3. CLI: If you only want to import the project structure without the data, you can use the CLI (Command Line Interface).
5 Feb, 2024, 14:50

You can use the migrations API if the local one is available through internet or do a backup of the local instance and import then in the other instance.

If you just want to import the project structure, you can use CLI

5 Feb, 2024, 14:51

ok thanks!

5 Feb, 2024, 14:57

@sophex89 This could be useful for you if you choose to do the backup method:


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