
SERVER Error when creating a Function

  • 0
  • Functions
  • Cloud
25 Jan, 2024, 11:25


I'm trying to create a new function but when hit create in the end it throws this message. When I check my github account, nothing created, but when I press again create function I get another error.

Why it says neme already exist on this account? There is nothing in my account!

Developers are experiencing an error when trying to create a new function. Despite not seeing anything in their GitHub account, they receive an error stating that the name already exists. Note: GitHub account is empty. Solution: This issue may be caused by a conflict in the backend or a caching issue. Developers should try clearing their cache and restarting the creation process. If the problem persists, reaching out to the platform's customer support for further assistance is recommended.
25 Jan, 2024, 11:55

Are you creating a new function from a template or from an existing repository?


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