
Cloudfunction Operation timed out

  • 0
  • Self Hosted
  • Functions
20 Jan, 2024, 20:10

I have a Cloudfunction on my self hosted Appwrite instance (Version 1.4.13) The Problem is, that sometimes when I execute this function i get the following error:

An internal curl error has occurred within the executor! Error Msg: Operation timed out\nError Code: 500

I have this error approximatly on 1/10 calls to the function.

This is the error I get in the openruntimes-executor logs:

openruntimes-executor | [Error] Type: Exception openruntimes-executor | [Error] Message: An internal curl error has occurred within the executor! Error Msg: Operation timed out openruntimes-executor | [Error] File: /usr/local/app/http.php openruntimes-executor | [Error] Line: 1027

Cloudfunction operation is timing out intermittently with an internal curl error occurring within the executor. The error message is "Operation timed out" with an error code of 500. This occurs approximately 1 out of 10 times when calling the function. The error is logged in openruntimes-executor with details indicating an exception in the http.php file on line 1027. Solution: This could be caused by various factors such as network issues or server overload. Here are some steps to troubleshoot and resolve the issue: 1. Check your network connection and ensure it's stable. 2. Verify if your server has enough resources to

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