

  • 0
  • Databases
  • Flutter
  • Cloud
4 Jan, 2024, 21:31

Is there a limit to how many queries I can have in one request.

Assume a user has 100 people blocked, I want to fetch a list of documents that excludes blocked users

How should I make this request?

The user wants to know the correct way to fetch a list of documents that excludes documents made by blocked users. They provided a code snippet with a list of blocked user_ids. The user mentioned that there is a limit of 100 queries per request and wonders if there is a limit to the number of queries in one request. Finally, the user asks for guidance on how to make this request. Solution: To fetch a list of documents that excludes blocked users, you can use the provided code snippet. However, since there is a limit of 100 queries per request, you need to handle cases where a user has more than 100
4 Jan, 2024, 21:33

There’s a limit of 100 Queries per request

5 Jan, 2024, 01:40

Thanks. I’m wondering if this is the correct way to fetch a list of documents that excludes documents made by blocked users


// An array with 200 user ids
List<String> blockList  = ["User1", "User2", ... "User200"];

var yourDocuments = await _database.listDocuments(
          databaseId: '...',
          collectionId: '...',
          queries: [
            Query.notEqual("userid", blockList)
5 Jan, 2024, 01:50

That looks right to me


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