
GraphQL magic doesn't work on data attribute of list documents

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  • GraphQL
  • Web
Vishal Lohar
30 Dec, 2023, 12:09
        databaseId: "[DATABASE_ID]",
        collectionId: "[COLLECTION_ID]"
    ) {
        documents {

This query is great but I can't decide what I want in data. Maybe I am fetching all blog posts but I just need the title of all the posts. How can I do it using GraphQL..

The user wants to retrieve only the title from a list of documents using GraphQL, instead of retrieving the entire data attribute. The solution is to modify the query to include only the desired fields.
30 Dec, 2023, 18:31

The title should be there in data. You'll need to JSON decode it

Vishal Lohar
2 Jan, 2024, 09:46

Yes. I know that the title will be available in the data. But what if I just want the title?


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