
Can't access function endpoint

  • 0
  • Self Hosted
  • Functions
4 Dec, 2023, 16:15

Hello, I hosted a test function ion my appwrite server and it generated a random link. But its not accessisible from the browser. Do I need to add a CNAME for the function everytime I add a new one?? I even tried to do that but still no help. PS: I am using nginx as reverse proxy.

The user is unable to access a function endpoint on their appwrite server. Someone suggests adding a wildcard record for functions, but the user states that adding a CNAME record redirects to the Nginx default page. Another user asks if the appwrite login screen is appearing when trying to access the function page. The user then asks if a CNAME record needs to be added for each new function and mentions they are using Nginx as a reverse proxy. No solution is provided in the thread.
4 Dec, 2023, 16:41

Are you getting appwrite login screen when you try to access the function page??

4 Dec, 2023, 23:02

no, it shows site can be reached

5 Dec, 2023, 15:09

Then you had to add CNAME for it

5 Dec, 2023, 15:11

Yeah but even adding CNAME doesn’t work as it redirects to nginx default page

5 Dec, 2023, 15:55

Can you share ss of your dns record??

11 Dec, 2023, 20:59
13 Dec, 2023, 14:34

I don't see any wildcard record. You'll need to add a wildcard record for your functions. E.g. Type | Name | Content CNAME | * | (should be you functions domain check your .env vars)


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