
Updating an Attribute of Type Array With a New Element

  • 1
  • Databases
  • Web
28 Nov, 2023, 14:46

How can I update an attribute of array type by appending a new item?

The user wants to know how to update an attribute of type array by appending a new item. They are also concerned about race conditions when doing a get and update. There is a suggestion to create a function to handle the update, but it would require more work. There is no solution provided in the support thread.
28 Nov, 2023, 14:49

I wonder if you'd need to get the array and add a new element then update the record with the new array.

28 Nov, 2023, 14:54

was my first thought. Limiting requests to appwrite is my goal. As for coding, it feels like I’m writing a novel that never ends!

28 Nov, 2023, 15:01

For sure, I'd be interested to see what the best answer is. Other than what I've put above, to limiting your calls in your frontend, you can setup a function that does this for you, but that would obviously be more work /:

28 Nov, 2023, 15:59

One issue with doing a get and then an update is also that you could run into race conditions. I would love to know if there is better way of doing this


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