
Failed to connect to appwrite-executor port 80

  • 0
  • Self Hosted
25 Nov, 2023, 00:54

I have a self hosted appwrite on a digital ocean and of my executions failed with a error saying "Failed to connect to appwrite-executor port 80 after 3 ms: Couldn't connect to server with status code 0\nError Code: 0"

What is that error?

The user is experiencing an issue with connecting to the appwrite-executor port 80. They have tried various commands such as docker inspect and docker network inspect, but have not been successful in resolving the issue. A solution is not provided in the support thread.
25 Nov, 2023, 03:03

Could be a docker network problem. What are the networks the openruntimes-executor and appwrite containers are in?

27 Nov, 2023, 17:06

Sorry for my ignorance, but how can I see that? I'm still learning docker πŸ€”

27 Nov, 2023, 17:56

docker network ls to show the networks first

29 Nov, 2023, 18:47

I didn't see your reply until I entered this post to check again, sorry for that

This is what the docker network ls shows

4 Dec, 2023, 12:47

What's the containers section of docker inspect appwrite?

5 Dec, 2023, 03:51

Is this the containers part?

[ { "Type": "volume", "Name": "appwrite_appwrite-certificates", "Source": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/appwrite_appwrite-certificates/_data", "Destination": "/storage/certificates", "Driver": "local", "Mode": "z", "RW": true, "Propagation": "" }, { "Type": "volume", "Name": "appwrite_appwrite-functions", "Source": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/appwrite_appwrite-functions/_data", "Destination": "/storage/functions", "Driver": "local", "Mode": "z", "RW": true, "Propagation": "" }, { "Type": "volume", "Name": "appwrite_appwrite-uploads", "Source": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/appwrite_appwrite-uploads/_data", "Destination": "/storage/uploads", "Driver": "local", "Mode": "z", "RW": true, "Propagation": "" }, { "Type": "volume", "Name": "appwrite_appwrite-cache", "Source": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/appwrite_appwrite-cache/_data", "Destination": "/storage/cache", "Driver": "local", "Mode": "z", "RW": true, "Propagation": "" }, { "Type": "volume", "Name": "appwrite_appwrite-config", "Source": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/appwrite_appwrite-config/_data", "Destination": "/storage/config", "Driver": "local", "Mode": "z", "RW": true, "Propagation": "" } ],

5 Dec, 2023, 08:29

No this is the volumes part...and I think it's of the container...

How about docker network inspect appwrite?

6 Dec, 2023, 17:44
6 Dec, 2023, 17:44

heres the containers part

6 Dec, 2023, 17:47

So the executor and worker are in the same network. Can you inspect the executor container and share the networks section?

6 Dec, 2023, 17:52

alright let me check πŸ‘€

6 Dec, 2023, 18:02

sorry for being a noob with Docker, but how can I check that?

I try this commands but it doesn't work: docker network inspect openruntimes-executor docker inspect openruntimes-executor docker inspect appwrite-executor

6 Dec, 2023, 18:20

One of the bottom two should work. I never remember the name of the executor container. You can also try passing the ID of the container to docker inspect

6 Dec, 2023, 18:48
6 Dec, 2023, 18:48

Suddenly the docker inspect openruntimes-executor command worked

6 Dec, 2023, 19:38

So the appwrite-executor alias is set so the hostname should route to that container correctly 🧐

7 Dec, 2023, 00:20

why could this have happened and how can I solve it?


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