
[SOLVED] Storage swapped over to other project

  • 1
  • Self Hosted
  • Storage
24 Nov, 2023, 09:27

i have project A and project B both have own storageA and storageB

and somehow after server got stuck/hang (after i set files per page to 96) the storageB is gone, and is displaying storageA from project A

how do i recover my storageB?

User experienced an issue where the storage for project B got swapped with storage from project A after upgrading to version 1.4.9 of the appwrite. They tried removing and recreating their NPM entry for appwrite, and it fixed the issue. There is a possibility that the issue was network-related. The user is self-hosting and using NPM for all their containers. They are experiencing the same issue with all databases, not just the bucket storage. They are looking for help on recovering their storageB. Solution: The user resolved the issue by removing and recreating their NPM entry for appwrite after upgrading to version
24 Nov, 2023, 09:35

additional note, when i try to create another bucket in project B, "network request failed" error is displayed

24 Nov, 2023, 11:30

not only the bucket storage, all the databases is having the same issue, help!!!

24 Nov, 2023, 14:44

Is this self hosted?

24 Nov, 2023, 18:14

From your GitHub issue (, it looks like you're self-hosting

24 Nov, 2023, 18:15

What version of mariadb do you have?

27 Nov, 2023, 13:10

yes, self hosted. one thing i forgot to add that might be crucial as information is i use NPM (nginx proxy manager) for all my containers, including this one

27 Nov, 2023, 13:12

2023-11-24 12:20:25 0 [Note] mysqld: ready for connections., Version: '10.7.8-MariaDB-1:10.7.8+maria~ubu2004' socket: '/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' port: 3306 binary

27 Nov, 2023, 17:00

Anything in the docker logs of the appwrite container?

28 Nov, 2023, 07:26

here is the 2 of em

30 Nov, 2023, 18:08

Are you still seeing these errors?

4 Dec, 2023, 12:38

no, after upgrading to 1.4.9, i removed and recreated my NPM entry for appwrite, and it solves itself, i think it might be network related after all.

4 Dec, 2023, 12:39

[SOLVED] Storage swapped over to other project


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