
[Solved] Can we use prefs to get the list of users?

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23 Oct, 2023, 13:56

I have a required where I need to get the list of user who has a specific value of a prefs. Here, I'm using server sdk.

Solution: No, you cannot use prefs to get the list of users. An alternative way is to set labels instead of preferences to create a tagging system for users.
23 Oct, 2023, 14:29

you cannot query on prefs.

Aditya Oberai
23 Oct, 2023, 14:31

An alternative way here could be to set labels instead of preferences if you're trying to setup a sort of tagging system for users

23 Oct, 2023, 18:07


Aditya Oberai
23 Oct, 2023, 18:13

@Abhishek does that resolve your issue?

23 Oct, 2023, 18:23

I'm changing the data structure here. I created a DB table to map the user ID with specific properties to make it work according to our business logic.

Aditya Oberai
26 Oct, 2023, 09:58

That sounds good πŸ‘ @Abhishek are we good to mark this issue as solved?

26 Oct, 2023, 15:51


26 Oct, 2023, 15:51

[Solved] Can we use prefs to get the list of users?


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