
404 Project with the requested ID could

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13 Oct, 2023, 13:51

Using this backup and restore procedure.. my restored instance does not work. My project cannot be found even though it's in the console...

The problem is that a project with a requested ID cannot be found even though it exists in the console. The suggested solution is to use the command `docker exec -it appwrite-redis redis-cli flushall` to fix the issue. However, it is recommended to add this command to the script. Additionally, the user mentions that a backup and restore procedure did not work for them.
13 Oct, 2023, 14:00

docker exec -it appwrite-redis redis-cli flushall fixes this

13 Oct, 2023, 14:00

@Steven you should probably add that to the script...

13 Oct, 2023, 17:49

So, the issue is solved now?


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