Hey, this keeps behaving strange.
I asked this in general previously and added an issue to https://github.com/appwrite/sdk-for-dotnet/issues/28 already with no luck.
Maybe I got wrong what I found in the documents, but when I
int number = 5;
List<string> queryList = new List<string>{
{Query.Equal("validated", false)},
{Query.Equal("language", lang)},
var quotes = await databases.ListDocuments(
databaseId: databaseId,
collectionId: collectionId,
queries: queryList);
return Results.Ok(quotes);
I would expect this to return a maximum of ˋ5ˋ Documents where ˋvalidatedˋ is ˋfalse ˋ and ˋlanguage ˋ is (whatever is set as query parameter). The .equal selection works but it keeps returning ALL the documents where they fit not just the first 5.
Put the 3 backticks on a line by itself to make the formatting show properly
This does seem right...
What's the omitted code?
How many documents do you have in your collection?
I get 268 out of 345 back but that can easily become 1000+ soon 🙂 (zorry for the formatting. Wrote this on my tablet this morning)
What makes you say you get 268 back?
Haha…well… it says total:268 in the json … never really scrolled down 🫣
Right that tells you how much is in the database with the filters applied so you can do pagination.
So does the response actually only contain 5 documents?
Sure it does 🙈
And I am due for vacation now.
[SOLVED] still fighting with #dotnet-sdk document limitation
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