
1.4.3 Function Http Invalid Protocol

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  • Functions
20 Sep, 2023, 18:59

Any ideas what could be causing this error

An internal curl error has occurred within the executor! Error Msg: Http invalid protocol\nError Code: 500

It happens when calling a chrome.exe file, so I'm sure it has to do with that but I'm wondering why its making this 500 appear.

The user is experiencing an error related to the function Http invalid protocol. This error occurs randomly when launching Chrome or fetching from cache. Logs before the error are not available in the console. The error may be caused by attempting to execute `context.log(result)` where result is `storage.get_file_download()` bytes result. It is unclear whether the runtime is blocking and not returning data or if a fatal error is causing the runtime container to crash. Another user has the same issue and is looking for a solution. The error occurs when calling a chrome.exe file. The cause of the error and why it produces a 500 error code are unknown.
23 Sep, 2023, 15:36

I have the same issue. Did you managed to fix it somehow?

23 Sep, 2023, 18:32


23 Sep, 2023, 21:44

Maybe some fatal error is occurring causing the runtime container to crash?

23 Sep, 2023, 21:47

Or the runtime is blocking and not returning data?

24 Sep, 2023, 11:59

In my scenario it was casued by attempt to execute context.log(result) where result was storage.get_file_download() bytes result

24 Sep, 2023, 12:00

What's interesting is that logs before this line were not available in the console.

24 Sep, 2023, 12:14

Run the function a second time. I get this error each time the first execution after a manual deploy

24 Sep, 2023, 13:44

I've noticed that but I also noticed I get it at random other times. Like when i tried to launch chrome in the above instance, or when fetching from cache.


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