
Request and response logging

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  • Functions
17 Sep, 2023, 00:07

Doc says : To protect user privacy, the request and response objects are not logged to the Appwrite Console by default.

How can I enable it ? Learning how Appwrite work, may help me on my first steps.

Request and response params and body are not automatically displayed in the console. You need to log them yourself using the log function while debugging/developing. The Appwrite console does not log the request and response objects by default to protect user privacy. Unfortunately, there is no way to enable it. Learning how Appwrite works might help you on your first steps.
17 Sep, 2023, 00:08

(I would like to see the body / parameters in the execution detail panel)

17 Sep, 2023, 01:36

You can log it yourself using the log function while debugging/developing

17 Sep, 2023, 07:27

OK so there is no way to use that uselful UI ?

17 Sep, 2023, 15:25

You will not see the request params, request body, or response body automatically here in the console. You must log whatever you want to see and look in the logs tab


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