
how migrate to cloud work ?.

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  • Flutter
8 Sep, 2023, 09:19

i tried to open this url its showing 404. Does this copy all document ?. i have seen an option to import option while creating a project is this same feature ?.

Summary: The user is inquiring about how to migrate to the cloud. They mention a potential issue with updating before the cloud, and a lightning hackathon. There are rumors of ongoing migrations. The user shares a link to a migration documentation but realizes it is incorrect. They ask if the cloud deployment is not ready. They mention seeing a broken URL for cloud migration and ask if the import option while creating a project is the same thing. Solution: The user should contact support or create an issue to get clarification on the migration process. They can inquire about the availability of the cloud deployment and confirm if the import option when creating a project is
8 Sep, 2023, 16:19

where did you see this URL?where did you see this link?

12 Sep, 2023, 04:39

deploy to cloud link "learn more in documentation"

12 Sep, 2023, 04:41

@VincentGe is it because deploy to cloud isn't ready?

12 Sep, 2023, 04:56

Nope that link is wrong

12 Sep, 2023, 04:57

This also doesn't yet exist

12 Sep, 2023, 04:57

Since Cloud isn't on 1.4.2 yet

12 Sep, 2023, 04:57

but rumor has it migrations are secretly underway.

12 Sep, 2023, 04:57

And we're having a lightning hackathon soon.

12 Sep, 2023, 04:59

Oh! We'll need to make sure to update it before cloud gets updated

12 Sep, 2023, 04:59

Would you be able to create an issue so we don't forget?

12 Sep, 2023, 05:01



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