Hi, I'm trying to put a cookie in the header of the flutter sdk client. According to the addHeader function, it should work but I get the error because the value "Cookie" is not placed in the header of the request
I don't know if it doesn't work or the Cookie is not modifiable through this method
I wonder if it's being overwritten by the cookie jar 🧐
I think it is the more safest, I will have to copy the teams function in my project for the moment I hope this feature will be added in the future
You can try using the fallback cookies header instead: https://appwrite.io/docs/rest
Hmm there are no examples of the value in the docs
Indeed, the safest thing is that the cookie is replaced by cookie jar
Your fallback cookie probably isn't formatted right
on api rest working but with the sdk not
toString() is rarely the right approach. Can you try jsonEncode()
Not working
this is in mobile, right?
oh nvm...looks like if it's in the cookie jar, it won't look at the fallback cookies. can you try to clear your app data?
Correct, that was the problem. I already had a cookie jar saved and replaced the header. Now if I work with the "Cookie" parameter or with "X-Fallback-Cookies"
Thank you
[SOLVED] client.addHeader() not working
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