
EPERM: operation not permitted, scandir problem when deploying functions

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  • Functions
27 Jul, 2023, 17:07

Hello everyone, I'm getting this problem when deploying a function via Power Shell: EPERM: operation not permitted, scandir 'AppData\Local\Application Data'

Tried to run as admin, but it didn't work.

The user is experiencing a problem when deploying a function via PowerShell, specifically an EPERM error related to scandir. A recommended solution is provided to modify the function code and then use `appwrite deploy function` to deploy again. Another user mentions the option to use `appwrite init function` to initialize the function and `appwrite deploy function` to deploy. The user also asks for clarification on how to write the body of the function. The thread includes discussions on using backticks for multi-line code and running the `pwd` command. The user provides a command example for creating a function deployment in Windows PowerShell. The user seeks
27 Jul, 2023, 18:17

uhh where are you running the command? and what are you running?

28 Jul, 2023, 06:33

In my windows power shell. This is the command: appwrite functions createDeployment --functionId=6012cc93d5a7b --activate=true --entrypoint="" --code="."

Docker is running to make the local server available for testing.

28 Jul, 2023, 07:10

Can you execute pwd?

28 Jul, 2023, 07:10

Btw, it's best to use 3 back ticks with multi-line code. See

28 Jul, 2023, 07:11

I highly recommend using appwrite init function to initialize your function and appwrite deploy function to deploy

31 Jul, 2023, 12:40

Thanks a lot for your solution. I will try it out and hope it works.

31 Jul, 2023, 12:43

This solution worked, but how can I write the body of the function this way?

31 Jul, 2023, 18:26

Init creates the function code. You can modify it as you'd like and then run appwrite deploy function to deploy again


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