
Function versioning (custom deployment id?)

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  • Functions
3 Jul, 2023, 00:06

Is there any way to keep function version with deployment? For example - I want to see in console which version of my function is already running.

example: function-dart_2.17: helloWorld - v1.0.6

I thought there is a way to set custom deployment id with my unique version string, but cant find it anywhere

The user wants to know if there is a way to keep track of the version of their function during deployment. The support team suggests using the `pubspec.yaml` file to store the version and reading it at runtime, but they are uncertain if the file is included in the built binary. The user expresses gratitude for the answer and considers it a feature request. The support team acknowledges that they do not currently have a way to achieve versioning during deployment and suggests using a feature request to potentially implement this functionality in the future. One possible solution suggested by another user is to generate the actual `pubspec` as Dart code using the `pub
3 Jul, 2023, 00:38

We don't have any way of doing this. You might be able to keep a version in the pubspec.yaml and read that at runtime. I'm not sure if the pubspec.yaml is added to built binary though

3 Jul, 2023, 06:00

There is no problem in the runtime - you can generate actual pubspec as dart code with I guess this will be a feature request, Thanks for the answer


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