
500Internal Error

  • 1
  • Self Hosted
  • Flutter
  • Databases
27 Jun, 2023, 15:11

I can't access one database. Another collection that is inside this automaton database has been deleted. How to delete this database. I have already created another database. Now I can’t delete the old one, it says 500 Internal Error

The user is experiencing a 500 Internal Error while trying to delete a non-working database without using the console. They have provided some potential solutions: - Use the server-side API to delete the database. - Login directly to the Appwrite MariaDB and delete the database there. The user also mentions that the collection ID doesn't exist and asks for help with the docker logs. It is mentioned that the user is on Ubuntu and using Docker version 1.3.7. The container logs show an error related to an active transaction. Another user confirms they are getting the same error. The thread ends with the original user still unable to delete
Felipe Amaral
27 Jun, 2023, 15:20

Im getting the same error!

Felipe Amaral
27 Jun, 2023, 15:21

Containers logs

appwrite-realtime             | Connection close: 81
appwrite                      | [Error] Timestamp: 2023-06-27T15:21:19+00:00
appwrite                      | [Error] Method: POST
appwrite                      | [Error] URL: /v1/databases/:databaseId/collections
appwrite                      | [Error] Type: PDOException
appwrite                      | [Error] Message: There is already an active transaction
appwrite                      | [Error] File: @swoole-src/library/core/Database/PDOProxy.php
appwrite                      | [Error] Line: 43
appwrite-realtime             | Connection open (user: 82)
appwrite-usage                | [27-06-2023 15:21:21] Aggregating Timeseries Usage data every 30 seconds
Felipe Amaral
27 Jun, 2023, 15:22

Appwrite Version: 1.3.7

Felipe Amaral
27 Jun, 2023, 15:24

A few moments later the collection appears.

27 Jun, 2023, 18:50

Please create a separate <#1072905050399191082> post rather than posting in an existing one

27 Jun, 2023, 18:50

Are you on cloud?

27 Jun, 2023, 19:00

I installed on ubuntu via docker. Version 1.3.7

27 Jun, 2023, 19:01

What do the docker logs say for the appwrite container?

27 Jun, 2023, 19:08

even look terrible

27 Jun, 2023, 23:23

According to this, the collection id doesn't exist 🧐

28 Jun, 2023, 04:03

Hello again! How can now delete this non-working database without the console?

28 Jun, 2023, 13:21

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